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Self Portrait 1915 by Francisco Goya ~ Self Portrait 1915 by Francisco Goya Click Image to view detail The tilt of the head and concentrated expression of the eyes suggest that the artist has portrayed himself looking in a mirror or at the easel on which he is painting

The SelfPortraits of Francisco Goya John J Ciofalo ~ With his numerous selfportraits Francisco Goya was alone among visual artists of the Romantic period in responding to the genre of autobiography which became popular in the late eighteenth century Across a range of media and styles Goya tested expanded and eventually obliterated the conventional boundaries of the genre discovering its infinite expressive possibilities

Selfportraits By choronological order ~ The first selfportrait of Goya that is known of now in a private collection in Madrid was painted after his return from Italy One sees the head and shoulders of the painter with a round face and long brown curly hair against a neutral background

Goya Francisco de Goya y Lucientes SelfPortrait The Met ~ SelfPortraitca 1795–97 Goya Francisco de Goya y Lucientes Spanish Goya is regarded as a remarkable portrait painter with the rare ability to move beyond physical appearances to capture the essence of a sitter During his long career he produced a number of selfportraits of which this is one of the most powerful

Selfportrait c1770 c1775 Francisco Goya ~ Selfportrait 1775 by Francisco Goya

Francisco de Goya Self Portrait 1815 Artsy ~ The tempestuous works of Francisco de Goya distinguish him as the most important Spanish painter of his time Among his contemporaries he was best known for his lighthearted tapestry cartoons of leisure activities subtle satirical etchings of the bourgeoisie and penetratingly psychological portraits of the aristocracy

SelfPortrait The Collection Museo Nacional del Prado ~ Goya deliberately presents himself here as vulnerable and fragile revealing the most serene and welcoming facet of his personality A dark background painted with rapid energetic crossing brushstrokes adds presence to his reddishbrown frock coat which contrasts with his very white opennecked shirt both of which are painted with finer brushstrokes than the background

Francisco Goya Wikipedia ~ Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker He is considered the most important Spanish artist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries and throughout his long career was a commentator and chronicler of his era Immensely successful in his lifetime Goya is often referred to as both the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns He was also one of the great portraitists of his time Goya was born to a lowermiddleclass family in 1746 in

Francisco Goya Paintings Bio Ideas TheArtStory ~ The artist based the composition on Velázquezs Las Meninas which also includes a selfportrait of the artist in the act of painting the royal family Here Goya depicts himself in the shadows standing in front of a large canvas presumably the same one we now behold in the far left background

Selfportrait with Dr Arrieta Wikipedia ~ Selfportrait with Dr Arrieta is the English title given to a painting by Spanish artist Francisco Goya The work is an oil on canvas painted in 1820 The work is an oil on canvas painted in 1820 It is held in the Minneapolis Institute of Art Minnesota


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