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Gambling in America Costs and Benefits Earl L Grinols ~ Gambling in America Costs and Benefits Earl L Grinols on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The public decisionmaking process governing the issue of casino gambling tends to lead to wrong outcomes

Gambling in America Costs and Benefits by Earl L Grinols ~ Gambling in America Costs and Benefits The public decisionmaking process governing the issue of casino gambling tends to lead to wrong outcomes and the studies typically provided to justify the phenomenon are conceptually flawed

Gambling in America Costs and benefits ResearchGate ~ The estimated annual economic cost of problem and pathological gambling in the United States ranges from 324 billion to 538 billion and the average economic cost of pathological gambling is 9393 annually per affected individual Grinols 2004 Grinols 2011

Gambling in America Costs and Benefits Earl L Grinols ~ Gambling in America Costs and Benefits Gambling in America carefully breaks ground by developing analytical tools to assess the benefits and costs of the economic and social changes introduced by casino gambling in monetary terms linking them to individual households utility and wellbeing

Social costs of gambling nearly half that of drug abuse ~ Casino gambling causes up to 289 in social costs for every 46 of economic benefit according to Grinols “In 2003 dollars the cost to society of an additional pathological gambler is 10330 based on studies performed in the mid1990s whereas the cost to society of an additional problem gambler is 2945” he wrote

Casino Watch Understanding the Costs of Gambling Addiction ~ The cost of problem and pathological gambling does not only affect individuals and their families Society also bears the brunt of gambling with the overall cost to taxpayers estimated at 56000 for each problem gambler including cost of treatment healthrelated costs absenteeism at work and time spent in courts National Council on Welfare 1996

Gambling Economics Summary Facts ~ TOTALS Right column includes problem gambler costs 13067 242 • Gambling fails a costbenefit test Conservatively estimated costs to benefits exceed 31 Costs of introducing gambling depends on starting base but typically 166 per adult Benefits 54

Economic benefits of casinos likely to outweigh costs ~ Casino proponents argue that casinos will create tax revenues jobs and can push average wages higher Opponents argue that the social costs such as crime industry “cannibalization” and problem gambling outweigh the potential benefits Both sides discount the opposition’s claims

The Hidden Social Costs of Gambling ~ The social costs of gambling are “hidden” only to the extent that they are often misunderstood or overlooked Empirical studies which estimate some but not all of the implied social costs of gambling report that the impact on society of one additional pathological gambler is about 9393 per year

What are the Benefits of Gambling Research Summary ~ And perhaps because of these many concerns many people do ask what are the benefits of gambling Below you’ll find some of the good benefits of gambling The list is not exhaustive Nor is it intended to be a fullthrottle rebuttal against antigambling arguments


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