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Date : 2008-10-27
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Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Beyond ~ Buy Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Beyond Reductionism and Pluralism on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Beyond ~ 1 to a new level especially within the philosophical context of intertheory relations Readable relevant and provocative to both philosophers of science and physicists Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation is an important book References
REEXAMINING THE QUANTUM CLASSICAL RELATION Beyond ~ REEXAMINING THE QUANTUM–CLASSICAL RELATION Beyond Reductionism and Pluralism Classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are two of the most successful scientific theories ever discovered and yet how they can describe the same world is far from clear one theory is deterministic the other indeterministic one theory
Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Beyond ~ The explanation of randommatrix universality is an application of Gutzwiller’s relation between spectra and periodic orbits According to this shortrange structure in the energy spectrum is associated with very long classical periodic orbits—a connection that is a consequence of the uncertainty principle relating time and energy
Reexamining the quantumclassical relation beyond ~ Reexamining the quantumclassical relation beyond reductionism and pluralism Alisa Bokulich Classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are two or the most successful scientific theories ever discovered and yet how they can describe the same world is far from clear one theory is
CORE ~ Abstract Reexamining the quantumclassical relation beyond reductionism and pluralis
Review of Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation ~ Review of Professor Alisa Bokulichs too ignored but very important book on the historical debate about QM and Reality focusing on Dirac and Heisenberg There is a fascinating chapter on the littleknown SemiClassical Mechanics that
Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation ~ Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Reexamining the quantumclassical relation Beyond reductionism and pluralism Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2008 x95pp 74 HB
Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Beyond ~ Reexamining the QuantumClassical Relation Beyond Reductionism and Pluralism Hardcover – Oct 2 2008 by Alisa Bokulich Author Be the first to review this item See all 5 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions Amazon Price New from
PDF Quantum mechanics and much more Alisa Bokulich ~ Quantum mechanics and much more Alisa Bokulich Reexamining the quantumclassical relation Beyond reductionism and pluralism Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2008 x95pp 74 HB
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