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Date : 2010-06-14
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Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Introducing graduate students in physics optics materials science and electrical engineering to surface plasmons this book also covers guided modes at planar interfaces of metamaterials with negative refractive index Online resources include Mathematica code to generate figures from the book and extended discussion of select topics
Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Another strength of the text is the use of Mathematica as a modelling tool The text shows how to use Maxwells equations of course to understand and design an optical system using plasmons You get these coupled integrodifferential equations where solving can be greatly aided with Mathematica
By Dror Sarid Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons ~ Like the use of gratings Much more precise and tunable to convert energy from light to plasmons Or indeed to perform the inverse process Another strength of the text is the use of Mathematica as a modelling tool The text shows how to use Maxwells equations of course to understand and design an optical system using plasmons
Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory Mathematica Modeling and Applications by Dror Sarid William Challener Publisher Cambridge University Press Year 2010 ISBN 9780521767170 Hardcover 371 pp
Modern introduction to surface plasmons Theory ~ In order to excite surface plasmons we need to match the momentum of incident photons with the planar surface plasmon wavevector 7 9 The surface plasmon wave sp k is given by 57 are
Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Introducing graduate students in physics optics materials science and electrical engineering to surface plasmons this book also covers guided modes at planar interfaces of metamaterials with negative refractive index Online resources include Mathematica code to generate figures from the book and extended discussion of select topics
Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Introducing graduate students in physics optics materials science and electrical engineering to surface plasmons this book also covers guided modes at planar interfaces of metamaterials with negative refractive index Subjects Education
MODERN INTRODUCTION TO SURFACE PLASMONS Theory ~ MODERN INTRODUCTION TO SURFACE PLASMONS Theory Mathematica Modeling and Applications Introducing graduate students in physics optics materials science and electrical engineering to surface plasmons this book also covers guided modes at planar interfaces of metamaterials with negative refractive index
Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory Mathematica Modeling and Applications Dror Sarid William A Challener Cambridge University Press May 6 2010 Science 371 pages
Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons Theory ~ Introducing graduate students in physics optics materials science and electrical engineering to surface plasmons this book also covers guided modes at planar interfaces of metamaterials with negative refractive index The physics of localized and propagating surface plasmons on planar films gratings nanowires and nanoparticles is developed using both analytical and numerical techniques
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