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Date : 2005-11-14

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Bipolar Disorders Mixed States Rapid Cycling and ~ Bipolar Disorders Mixed States Rapid Cycling and Atypical Forms Edited by Andreas Marneros Frederick Goodwin 2005 Cambridge University Press 395pp £6600 US12000 hb ISBN 0521835178 Volume 190 Issue 3 Ingeborge Wilting

Bipolar Disorders Mixed States Rapid Cycling and ~ Bipolar disorder manifests itself in a variety of forms It can coexist with other psychiatric conditions and treatment efficacy can depend on the type of bipolar state This book covers the full range of atypical rapid cycling and transient forms of bipolar disorder from atypical and agitated depression to schizoaffective mixed states

Bipolar Disorders Mixed States Rapid Cycling and ~ Bipolor disorder manifests itself in a variety of forms It can coexist with other psychiatric conditions and treatment efficacy can depend on the type of bipolar state This book covers the full range of atypical rapid cycling and transient forms of bipolar disorder from atypical and agitated depression to schizoaffective mixed states

Bipolar Disorders Mixed States Rapid Cycling and ~ The proper identification of a mixed state resolves confusion vs unipolar agitated depression delusional depression schizophrenia borderline personality disorder and organic mental disorder Rapid cycling bipolar disorder is a world unto itself The depressive phase is far more common onsets more frequently receives more treatment and if that includes antidepressants may precipitate rapid cycling Bipolar II is a severe pathology with higher episode frequency comorbidity suicidal

Bipolar Disorders Mixed States Rapid Cycling and ~ Bipolar disorder manifests itself in a variety of forms It can coexist with other psychiatric conditions and treatment efficacy can depend on the type of bipolar state This book covers the full range of atypical rapid cycling and transient forms of bipolar disorder from atypical and agitated depression to schizoaffective mixed states

Bipolar disorders mixed states rapid cycling and ~ This book examines the full range of atypical rapid cycling and transient forms of bipolar disorder from atypical and agitated depression to schizoaffective mixed states The most recent ICD category is covered along with the biology and genetics of bipolar disorder and issues relating to comorbidity age and drug treatments

Bipolar Disorders ~ rapidcycling disorder 66 67 topdown studies 244–5 highrisk studies 246 treatment 245–8 chlorpromazine 354 Churchill Winston 327 Cincinnati criteria 47 48 Claude Henri 190 clonazepam use in agitated depression 179 Clouston T S 163 clozapine controlled studies for bipolar disorder 356 mixed states 23

Bipolar Disorders Cambridge University Press ~ Mixed States RapidCycling and Atypical Forms Bipolar disorder manifests itself in a variety of forms It can coexist with other psychiatric conditions and treatment efficacy can depend on the type of bipolar state This book covers the full range of mixed states rapidcycling and transient forms of bipolar disorder from atypical and agitated depression to schizoaffective mixed states

Bipolar Disorders edited by Andreas Marneros Cambridge Core ~ Rapidcycling bipolar affective disorders may concur with higher rates of substanceabuse disorders but such an idea is mainly based on clinical observation or preliminary data There is an overall tendency that mixed states and rapidcycling forms of bipolar affective disorder constitute more unfavorable forms of the underlying illness

Two Categories of Bipolar Disorder That Can Change ~ Atypical bipolar Atypical bipolar is marked by mixed states rapid cycling and a lack of full recovery between episodes These patients are more responsive to anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics but lithium should not be ruled out as it may work for them as well 45


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