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Date : 2002-09-30

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Rating : 4.0

Reviews : 1

Category : Book

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Hunter and Hunted Relationships between Carnivores and ~ Hunter and Hunted is a fascinating account of the intricate relationships between predators and humans Written by one of the worlds best known naturalists Hans Kruuk it is both about his lifelong passion for meateaters as diverse as otters and wolves tigers and hyaenas and a scientific exploration of what carnivores mean to humans and vice versa

Hunter and Hunted Relationships between Carnivores and ~ Hunter and Hunted Relationships between Carnivores and People We admire them as beautiful hunters cosset them as pets and use their pelts and other products in clothing medicines and cosmetics However they are also responsible for killing us and our livestock carry disease and compete with us for space and food

Hunter and Hunted Relationships between Carnivores and ~ Hunter and Hunted is a fascinating account of the intricate relationships between predators and humans Written by one of the worlds best known naturalists Hans Kruuk it is both about his lifelong passion for meateaters as diverse as otters and wolves tigers and hyaenas and a scientific exploration of what carnivores mean to humans and vice versa

Hunter and Hunted Relationships Between Carnivores and People ~ Hunter and Hunted is a fascinating account of the intricate relationships between predators and humans Written by one of the worlds best known naturalists Hans Kruuk it is both about his lifelong passion for meateaters as diverse as otters and wolves tigers and hyaenas and a scientific exploration of what carnivores mean to humans and vice versa

Hunter and Hunted Relationships between carnivores and people ~ Hunter and Hunted Relationships between carnivores and people e themasbeautifulhunters

Hunter and Hunted Relationships Between Carnivores and ~ Hans Kruuk a lifelong naturalist tells the fascinating story of carnivores and humans intricate relationships with them The book is illustrated with specially commissioned drawings and deals not only with the wild beauty of carnivores and their conservation but also with the topics of furs and medicine maneaters and sheepkillers

Hunter And Hunted Relationships Between Carnivores And People ~ Hunter and Hunted Relationships between Carnivores and People March 2003 · Anthrozoos A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People Animals Juliet CluttonBrock

0521814103 Hunter and Hunted Relationships Between ~ Hunter and Hunted Relationships between Carnivores and People by Kruuk Hans and a great selection of related books art and collectibles available now at

Hunter and Hunted The Relationship Between Carnivores and ~ Marvellously readable account of carnivores and their relationships with people Media reviews Hunter and Hunted is aimed at a general audience and written to entertain as well as to inform and educate achieving both aims rather well this is a thoughtprovoking valuable book and a good read both for the student of carnivore biology and the layman


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